I apologize in advance - this post has no frilly pretties (I think I am done with those for a few months, at least.)
I do, however, have some lovely warmies to show off! Minooka was as fun as it was last year, but now that we had the tavern I felt as if I was much more a part of the unit because I was in charge of cleaning and cooking and actually working. In the evening after the dance, everybody came back into the tavern fly and drank and sang and played the fiddle and banjo and it was a prize-winning night. And just as cold as last year, too (34 degrees during the night, erp!) and I was very happy to have a few more articles of warmth.
First, a pair of red cotton flannel drawers (I do know that wool flannel is the pc option, but I bought this before I knew that and decided to make them up anyways, erp.) They ended up being entirely handsewn by no fault of my own, and they have three tiny tucks at the end. And yes, they were very warm!
You can see how warm and fuzzy the inside is! |
And my sewing machine started working just in time for me to put together a nice big fringed shawl made from leftovers of the silk/wool blend from my middle-class dress. I followed the instructions on the Sewing Academy - I cut out a 60 x 60 inch square, sewed a line an inch from the edge on the non-selvidge side, and fringed the bejeezus out of it.
Selfie game so strong. |
I also picked up a copy of
The Way We Were, and got lots of inspiration for re-trimming some of my earlier dresses.
And speaking of earlier dresses...
I won't be in my big, spacious home forever (as in, I will hopefully be moving out next fall), and I need to scrape up some serious cash for my party (to be discussed later,) so I'm selling off some of my 'farbier' earlier outfits. I'll probably have them up on ebay within the week, so keep your eyes peeled if you need a costumey piece for something! There will be a polybrocade 1860 dress that would look lovely for period photos, a silk 1830s walking dress with wonderful gigot sleeves, a cotton 1830s dress for a Wives and Daughters themed event, and my black tucked sheer, entirely handmade, to name a few. I would appreciate the extra liquid assets greatly, because..
I might be hosting an 1860s ball!
For graduation, my parents are letting me rent out a gorgeous old mansion in our neighborhood and throwing a ball/harp recital there. I don't know for sure whether it will precipitate, but as money is the only concern and I'll be selling things like mad I think the chances are decent. I will keep you posted!
(Now, to sew new underthings like mad!)